Wordless Wednesday: Fair Beef

  • June 20, 2012
  • Beef

I’ve been quite pleased with the quality of beef we have been receiving from our local fairs. 4H and FFA members should be giving themselves a pat on the back for a job well done. We received beef from our…

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Feature Friday

Alright so I know I owe y’all a Fun Meat Fact Friday.. It’s coming up, I promise! But in the mean time I want to start something new. Feature Friday is an idea that I got from Twitter. Since many…

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Wordless Wednesday: Fair Season

Well ready or not, fair season is amongst us! We are currently working towards finishing up cutting animals from the Glenn County Fair, starting on animals from the Silver Dollar Fair, and next week we will be getting animals in…

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Morals and Meat…?

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of talk about morals and ethics regarding agriculture and especially meat and its production methods… And it got me into thinking… Since when are people concerned with the MORALITY of eating meat? And why…

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