The other day I was wrapping a beef and I saw something that stopped me in my tracks…

If you missed my feature here than you missed me praising short ribs. And these short ribs literally took my breath away! They are gorgeous! Yes, meat can be gorgeous! Don’t you agree!?

Happy Wednesday everyone! And in case you missed my response in the feature. I did the leg work for you…

Jenny: I am just going to put this out there and I keep saying this but short ribs are like heaven! You have to know how to cook them. They have to be cooked for a long period of time much like a chuck roast. But they are worth it and super easy to cook! The Pioneer Woman has some amazing recipes! I’d say that cooked correctly I’d take short ribs over a filet steak. There you have it, straight from a butcher’s mouth (laughs). Filets are good but they cost a lot more. If you’re looking for something cheap, delicious, and you’ve got time to cook them, short ribs are it!

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