Well it’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for… And hopefully some of you have as well! Remember this…?

Our feature on Meat Me was finally released yesterday! And we could not be more excited!! The feature is full of beautiful images as well as a wonderful narrative (which I worked hard on for two days, editing) about what it is that Chico Locker & Sausage really does. And how we started. A little glimpse into our day-to-day lives so to speak…

So if you are interested, and you have some time… We would love for you to check it out! Direct link can be found here: http://meatmeblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/meat-true-love-story-jenny-dewey.html

Again, I don’t think enough gratitude can be expressed to Sean and Laura for driving all the way up here and putting in a lot of hard work and dedication to share with the world what it is that we have been doing for 45 years. Helping us tell our story and share with people knowledge about the meat industry. He really is helping us reach more people than I could have ever dreamed so THANK YOU!