Everyone loves jerky! And speaking of we have two new flavors! Hot and sweet beef jerky and hot teriyaki! Yum!
Are There Hormones in Meat!? The simple to that question is well, yes. There are hormones in everything… In you,…
Cured Meat Championship… Literally the Best of the Best You may be thinking a what kind of championship…? And yes, you read that right,…
Where Does Bacon Come From? Cutting Up a Hog Although pork is known as “the other white meat”, there is no denying America’s love…
Not so Stereotypical Irishman February 8, 2012 at 5:06 pm I’m not the biggest jerky fan I admit BUT I darn well would try some of that! mmmMMmm …….. meat……
I’m not the biggest jerky fan I admit BUT I darn well would try some of that! mmmMMmm …….. meat……