Are There Hormones in Meat!?

The simple to that question is well, yes. There are hormones in everything… In you, in me, in animals, even in vegetables. That’s just a fact of life. Are hormones added to the animals before they are killed for meat..?…

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Meat Supply in Danger…?

Lately I’ve been seeing confusion coming across our social media feeds in regards to the government’s plans for sequestration and the meat industry. If you aren’t aware of what’s going on, you should be. After all, it could affect all…

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From Pasture to Plate- Cargill Style

  • April 6, 2012
  • Beef

** Disclaimer: The following link contains graphic images, please take caution when opening the link and viewing. The process of slaughter I understand is not for everyone. However we feel it is important to realize that this is where meat…

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The Effects of Pink Slime Campaign

  • March 28, 2012
  • Beef

Now usually I run WordLESS Wednesdays, but I have far too many words that need to be said regarding a major tragedy that is occurring in the meat industry due to the effects of “Pink Slime” . So here we…

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